Drain cell / Flexodrain


It is a light weight ,high strength ,interlocking panels that are being used in podium gardens, roof top gardens, planter boxes and landscaped decks .They are especially designed for drainage of water , as on top they are covered  With non woven geo textile which act as a filter between water and soil. It filters out water  For which the drain cells provide the space and planned route so that it can be passed to main drainage outlet. These drain cells are very easy to install by interlocking them horizontally and vertically and provides numerous advantages over conventional brick – bat – gravel drainage systems.




It is installed directly onto the waterproofed concrete slab. Drain cell also act as a thermal insulation barrier. The open surface design and high internal void volume enables the rapid transport of high water volumes. These panels have a height of 20 or 30 mm with great compressive strength from 100 to 150 tons/m*m These interlocking panels also come in variant known as flexodrain . As these type of panels has cavities to store water so that they can feed water to the plants in emergency through capillary action.